Sunday, July 26, 2009

License and Registration, Please!

Story time!

A few weeks ago, my parents were in Utah for a family reunion. When they left, my aunt drove them to the airport. After dropping them off, she was driving back to Provo when she saw the tell-tale red and blue flashing lights in her mirror (amusingly referred to as the "cherries and blueberries" by a friend of mine). She checked her speed, the speed limit, and her lane: 63 mph in a 65 zone, and she was in the right lane.


Still, law-abiding citizen that she is, she pulled to the shoulder, and the police car pulled up behind her. The officer climbed out of his vehicle, walked up to her car, leaned over as she rolled the window down, and asked her, "Do you know you're doing 63 in a 65 zone?"

*blink* "Yes sir?"

"Ma'am," he responded, "this is a very busy highway. People go 80 down this interstate, and you're obstructing traffic."

Clearly this event did not take place in Provo.

My aunt, pleased at this revelation, smiled and said, "Oh! I can go 80?"

The officer looked at her incredulously and emphatically said, "No!"

Ah. Of course, officer. Thank you for clarifying.

At least she got off with a warning?


  1. ok. Wow. Lovely. I mean seriously. Why bother? Right lane is intended for going speed limit or below. AND the minimum is 45. Hmmmmmmm

  2. Sooo...she was warned to not go the speed limit but also "don't speed *wink wink nudge nudge*"?

    She must have been driving on Opposite Day, because under normal circumstances the cop would have been pulling over all the people doing 80, thereby causing other speeders to slow down so they wouldn't get pulled over too, which would lower the average speed limit and make it so your aunt wasn't obstructing traffic at all.

  3. HAHAHAHAHHAHA. That's awesome. I love her response of "I can go 80?" HAHAHHAHA
