The views to the west of Geneva are pretty sparse. Mostly, it's just open fields, with a few new developments cropping up every so often. I'd been driving the route for several months without anything really jumping out at me. Then, one day, I looked to the side, and I saw this:
Hazy vignettes added to give an "ethereal" feel. You're welcome. |
Now, I hadn't seen any hint of this building's construction over the past several months. Not a sign. Not a building frame. Not a truck. Nothing. It just seemed to spring up overnight.
Imagine my surprise, then, when I got closer and saw this:
Special thanks to Google Maps for these images. (I try not to take pictures while I drive!) |
Seriously, you'd think I would have heard about a new MegaPlex going up just a couple miles from my house! It was eerie, though, because it seriously was just THERE one day.
The next day at work, I asked a coworker who lives close to me if he knew anything about it, but he was completely unaware, too. I was actually a little bit nervous as I drove home that evening, because if it wasn't there? I was planning a SERIOUS freak-out.
Fortunately, as I came up the road, it was still there, so not only was I NOT living just a few miles from a haunted stretch of road (to my knowledge...), but we got a brand new, fancy theater really close to me. Score!
Funny thing is, about a month later, my roommate had the exact same experience. He came into the house after work and said, "Hey, did you know about that new MegaPlex on Geneva? I drive up and down that road all the time, and today, it was just sort of there! How long has that been there!?"
How long indeed...?
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